sunday writings

Hello, For those of you who don't know me, I am Desi Rogers. I recently returned home from an amazing 18 month adventure serving the Lord in New Jersey.

I always heard that serving a mission is life changing.. it's always been a cliche thing to hear and say..but I didn't truly come to see what serving a mission could do to a person until I decided to serve.
My personal testimony and growth have SOARED while being in his service.

In the NJMM mission you do something called a hot seat right before you leave..basically it's where missionaries gather together and ask you a whole bunch of questions about your mission..& there is a question that missionaries always seem to ask, which is " when did you BECOME?" My answer to that is that I am still becoming. I think becoming Gods instrument or having a testimony is a life long process. I think we are constantly becoming converted. It's a process not an event. So Today I wanted to share with you a couple of life lessons I learned on my mission. Experiences that helped me BECOME.

If somebody asked me right now..what I learned most on my mission it'd be that I learned how to love. How to love God, myself and others. And I only learned that by coming to feel and experience the love God has for us and his children.

I learned to love my self a transfer after training when I got moved to an area in New Jersey to train a brand new missionary..It was my first area speaking Spanish. Let's just say I about peed my pants. I was terrefied. Do you ever have those moments where you kind of ask Heavenly Father " Heavenly Father..are you sure you want me to do this?? Why me? I am not capable for this task." Ya , that's what I did. At this moment in time I was still pretty new as a missionary and beating myself up for my flaws was kind of who I was.

Luckily I got one of the most amazing companions of my life! We worked so hard together! And I think we worked so hard because we knew we couldn't do it without God. We were vulnerable.

I can remember having times though..where trying to be strong was hard. I had to be an example and showing weakness wasn't an option for me. I was actually reading over my journal and there was a night I wrote about how frustrated I was with myself. I actually began to think I was going to fail.I ended up opening the scriptures and finding verses that talked about how out of our weaknesses, we shall be made strong.

2 Nephi 3:13 "And out of weakness he shall be made strong.."

Ether 12:27 "And if men come unto me I will show unto them their weakness. I give unto men weakness that they may be humble; and my grace is sufficient for all men that humble themselves before me; for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make weak things become strong unto them."

I knew in that moment that God knew frustrations, anger and that he answered me..he told me it was ok to not be perfect and that he wasn't going Allow me to fail. He reminded me that I was human and that we all have weakness..but they are only there to make us strong. And simply that he calls the weak and simple to do his work.

I also learned that Heavenly Father is quite the funny guy. Because the next day.. I got a called to be a sister training leader while I was still training my trainee.

I was overwhelmed and was like "ok Heavenly Father this is not funny!" But later looking back I see how he used me in my weakness so I could be strong! I love that Heavenly Father does that to us.
In my weakness I found my strengths. I learned to rise above the demons and came to love myself.

The moment I learned to love others took place with my third companion. This once again wasn't necessarily a moment but a process. These next few months were some of the hardest times I'd ever had. I'm going to tell you it straight out just the way it is..because missions aren't perfect..BUT after having much success with my last companion starting over with a new companion was hard. We had both been leaders in the mission and being leaders together was very difficult. We both had our own idea of how Things needed to get done. There were nights..weeks where I'd go into the bathroom and just cry and cry. There were moments where I wanted to throw in the towel. There was one night where I went on exchanges with a sister and a song came on that said " its not about you, it's for those who are searching for the's not about you" I remember just feeling thrown back into my chair by a big wave of WAKE UP. and just hearing the words "sister Rogers, look outside yourself..this isn't your work. This isn't your companions work. This is mine.its not about you" after that moment I began to give everyone every ounce of attention & energy. It's crazy when you loose yourself for find yourself.

I truly humbled myself that night. I went out on our balcony I got on my knees looked up to the stars and gave it all to him. That's when I learned how to love turn my will over to him. To let him take me by the hand and show the way.
To give up who I was to become someone better.

In one of my areas we had a balcony. It was the best balcony..probably my favorite spot. I'd spend hours on that porch communicating with God. I learned to love him by giving him time to speak with listening to what he had to say..and following that council. I actually have this prayer journal that I use every time i pray. It helps keep me accountable to our Heavenly Father. I had many amazing prayer experiences on that porch that summer.

Learning to love God helped me see how much he loved me. Sometimes as I prayed the only the things he'd tell me is that he loved me. Or I could feel arms around me.

Although it might seem like prayer and communicating with god was something was actually a wrestle. Enos explains it perfectly in the Book of Mormon.

Not too long ago I actually found myself asking Heavenly Father if he was there..if he had heard my prayers. I had gotten use to being able to open the scriptures and BAM there was an answer..but during that time I had felt abandoned. I'd open up my scriptures and I wasn't feeling that sense that he was answering me.a couple weeks passed and I was hoping that that feeling of loneliness of being abandoned by God would leave me. But it didn't. I found myself with a box of tissues on old yellow rug in tight dark beige steamy bathroom floor. I began to quiver as I pleaded for something, A feeling, a scripture ..ANYTHING!! About to loose hope I pitifully turned opened my scriptures and immediately connected with David from the Bible. The sub heading says:

"David pleads with the Lord to hear his voice" anyhoo. It talks about David's cries unto the Lord and how God heard them.

I felt an immediate release of pain flush out of my body as I read those words. I could feel his love rush through my veins and could feel my heart beat again. It was a sweet feeling.

There was another moment where we were with all the missionaries and we decided to write down a question.. and each separately take a different room in the church and pray for 15 minutes and we were promised that the answer would come. As we were doing this a little bit of doubt crept into my head. I began to say "I've been trying to receive an answer to this question for ages" I had doubts because usually Heavenly Father spoke to me through my scriptures..but because we weren't allowed to have our iPads in the room alone I wasn't able to take anything in with me.

I ended up finding a room on the other side of the church , got down on my knees and began to pray. After my prayer I sat in silence trying to listen for any sort of council from God. A couple minutes passed by and I still hadn't received anything. I let out a big sigh and began to scan the room ..Thats when I realized I was in the young women's room and there were posters of scriptures EVERYwhere!! Chills ran down my back as I read them. It was EXACTLY what I needed to hear.

I know God loves us because he is in the details of our lives. I know he loves us because I've felt it..because I've felt the smallest fraction of the kind of love he has for you, his children. I could feel it burn within me as I shared his beautiful gospel with the Jerseyites.

God is love. It's simple. Everything revolves around his big heart and the small four letter word love. His love.

He wants you. we don't have to be perfect and put together to come to him. We can be a perfect mess and God will accept us.

I don't know who I was without him. But seeing who I am with him gives me so much hope. I know that He sent his only begotten son Jesus Christ..because he loves us. We never need to feel that we are unloved or alone in this journey of life..because we never are. His love is unfailing.

And I'm going to say the most unoriginal fact in this world..A MISSION IS LIFE CHANGING. I am so grateful for the privilege I had to wear the saviors name on my chest everyday and try to emulate his love. Always remember your worth,and the sacrifice Christ made FOR YOU.

Greetings from Marztown (Morristown) 8.1.2016

I wish I could pause time and write a very deep lovely message for you all. But time is ticking, it never stops. ssa So I just wanted to bare my testimony with y'all that God is SO real. He is real because there is love. If there is one thing I've learned from my mission it would be that God is a loving God. I've learned how to love people in ways I never thought I could. I never knew my heart had the capability of loving people so much. It's an amazing feeling. I also wanted to testify of his constant care.. I feel like A LOT of he time we find ourselves in moments of despair and empty dark places..we feel as if God has abandoned us and simply left us with more than we can bare..but in all reality he's always been by our side, guiding us, helping us to seek and know what's right. He will never leave us comfortless. It's an amazing thing to know. I'm grateful for the message of the restored gospel. I know there is no way other than Jesus Christ. He is our light in the dark tunnel. Not at the end, but the whole way through!! 💜
Have a great week!!
Much love, xx
Hermana Rogers

apreciación 7.25.2016

This week was a roller coaster. My companion and I are finally meeting middle grounds and I've just fallen in love with the person she is. We had the most beautiful baptism on Sunday and honestly I've never been so happy for the people who are progressing here in Morristown. Although there are always beautiful moments in the week there are also hard ones as well. After a long day my companion and I hopped in our car and I looked down at our phone to see we had missed two calls from....MY DAD. I immediately recognized the number and my stomach dropped. I knew this meant something had happened...I called him back and as I talked to him he told me uncle Chad  had passed away..he passed the phone to my best friend since birth,Lizzie..and all I could hear was her crying...sobbing..gasping for air. My heart shattered to hear her in so much pain and the fact that I couldn't wrap my arms around her to comfort her KILLED me. It was a really hard night..although my perspective about that night really changed when my investigator told me that in jail all they get is letters saying that there family has died. And it really gave me a whole different view.....I AM SO GRATEFUL that I was able to hear her voice and tell her how much I loved her, I AM SO GRATEFUL that we've had the opportunity to be born into the gospel, that we KNOW he has a better calling up above, that God is REAL, that it isn't the end..that they WILL see him again because they are sealed as a family. Isn't that so beautiful? Isn't that something to rejoice about? My mission president called me and said "yuh know, I'm always a little bit envious of those who get called home back to heaven..I want to go, I want to be with God right now." He is the BEST mission pres. But seriously, what a blessing.

I am so grateful for the gospel of Jesus Christ. That it has been restored here again on earth! I am so so so happy. It fills me with so much love. What a blessing it is to be a member of his true church. To be his representative here in Morristown, NJ.  I am grateful for his constant guidance. I testify of his unconditional love..He lives and He is SO GOOD.

it's the little things 7.4.2016


I think I've come to the conclusion that this is my favorite holiday. You might say I'm falling in my dad's footsteps and I'd probably say your right! I can remember as if it were yesterday being a little girl on my dads shoulders watching the giant fireworks bloom into color in the big night sky.

This week was so much fun! One reason being.. that is just the way missionary life is #amazing and also because it POURED rain this past week. I got to go on exchanges with one of the English sisters and as we were running back to our car from a lesson I was enjoying myself so much! Sister lemon looked back at me like I was the weirdest sister training leader she'd ever had. It's the little things in this life that make sister Rogers one happy missionary! I think the members and investigators here are really getting comfortable with my love for Ice cream. It's come to the point where meal appointments have turned into Ice cream runs. One of our investigators gave us Ice Cream at 9 in the morning haha. Once again, it's the little things.

Just when I think I can't love this gospel anymore than I already do...I do. MY LOVE FOR THIS GOSPEL HAS SOARED. Yesterday we shared a the new children's bible videos with our members and they hit me super strong. so what these videos are is they are bible stories that children narrate. It hit me as they were talking anout jesus and how much he loves us. How simply they said it but how "fuerte" or strong and powerful it was. I think that simple phrase can sometimes be taken for granted. As a representative of Him I testify of that simple phrase and how much it means to me. Jesus Christ loves us! He truly does. There will never be a moment in this life where you need to walk alone. He will always be with you!! Ponder it.

I also just wanted to end this email by giving my gratitude for the freedom that we have today. the ability to choose. I am grateful that I am able to love God and fall because I'm human..and with the power of the atonement I can ALWAYS get back up and choose to follow Him. I am grateful that we live in a country where we can choose.
Alma 60: 36 Behold, I am Moroni, (Hermana Rogers) your chief captain.( A representative of Jesus Christ)  I seek not for power, but to pull it down. I seek not for honor of the world, but for the glory of my God, and the freedom and welfare of my country. And thus I close mine epistle.(email) Hahaha (I like to apply the scriptures by reading it as if my name where in it. ) enjoy your Fourth of July! And thank God for the freedom that we have been given!!

1. Name tag
2.Our first attempt at making a cute booth in the park
3. Morristown High School
4. We felt pretty beachy after receiving a flower from a less active, running to our car in the rain and having it all still be humid
5. We aren't photogenic
6. Icecream @ 9 in the morning
7. Merica

señor, yo te seguiré 6.27.2016

It's the end of June?? JULYING!  hahaha sometimes I think I'm really clever.
Last week a super great week. A LOT of learning. We had an all mission summer conference which was supper fun!! I love being a missionary! We played sports, ate lunch and we were spiritually fed by listening to my favorite speaker Spencer Taggart! (Our mission presidents son)!!  I just wanted to copy and paste a little bit of the notes I took in this meeting :
Prayer - alma 37:37 - Counsel with the Lord - Jacob 4:10. Repent for counseling THE lord.
+We always need to ask Heavenly Father what do you want me to do? remember your relationship with your father. Remember he is almighty!
+The minute we know the will of God, it eliminates all fear.
+Prayer is aligning your will with Heavenly Father! Unwearyingly seek the will of God!!
Bible dictionary- The object of prayer is not to change the will of God but to secure for ourselves and for others blessings that God is already willing to grant but that are made conditional on our asking for them. It's not about asking for blessings. It's about unlocking the blessings he's already willing to give us. He's waiting for us to ask him!! He's repeated himself soo many times in the scriptures...more than 100 times for us to ASK HIM because he wants to give us these blessings...all we need to do is ask. He doesn't say ask and ye might receive, he says ask and Ye SHALL receive. All that we have is a gift from him. Super awesome meeting!! I was also reading from the family home evening book this morning and found this AWESOME story. During World War II, Viktor Frankl was kept in a Nazi concentration camp for three years. During that time, he could make few of the choices we take for granted. He could not choose how to wear his hair; his head was shaved. He could not choose what clothes to wear; he was given a prison uniform. He could not read or write or talk freely. Someone told him when to get up and exactly what to do every minute of the day. He was treated cruelly, and if he did not work hard enough, he was in danger of being killed. “We who lived in concentration camps can remember the men who walked through the huts comforting others, giving away their last piece of bread. … They offer sufficient proof that everything can be taken away from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms--to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way. Viktor Frankl found out that no one could force him to be bitter and angry, no matter how much they hurt him. He could still enjoy the beauties of nature; he could love and show kindness to other people.
 Isn't that the most humbling thing you've ever read?? I'm sure happy to know that God has given us such a beautiful gift of agency! That we can choose to happy even in the hardest of times!! 
I invite you all to figure out what Gods will is for you and counsel with him for direction. 💜 I also invite you all to look for the good in everything & CHOOSE happiness. It's a choice! We will be happy when we do Gods will. 
I hope you all have a great week!!
+ brilliant thoughts journal = prayer journal. 
(TJMAX is THE literal best thing in this world ) 
Also a planner that I made.  Fun Spanish lesson of the day.. 
" señor yo te seguiré" = " Lord, i ill follow thee "
+dinner hour on exchanges with Sister Williams 
+ our yummy pizza
+one of our investigators in a tie for church! This is huge!!!

here we go 6.13.2016

another week passed. I am still so boggled on how time works. I've been in Morristown for the past two months and it's been the BEST two transfers of my mission!! I've learned more than I ever thought I'd learn and worked harder than I ever thought I could possibly work. Last night we had our first ever transfer conference call..and yes, you guessed it..I'm getting a new companion BUT I will be STAYING in Morristown as a sister training leader !!  LOTS of tears shed last night and I'm one million percent sure that New Jersey is only going to flood with more today and tomorrow. I have been changed for the better because of Hermana Virgin!! I don't know what I'm going to do without her..Although, I'm sooo excited for my new companion..we are literally the same person!!! Which could either be good or bad. We will see.
These past two weeks have been a test..a really hard one too. Ever since we waged our all out war against Satan we've seen and been through unimaginable things. We are on the front lines against the adversary. Little does he know this is only making our testimonies soar. These past few week we were suppose to have five baptisms. Unfortunately, they all fell through. Hard things came up right before they were about to take an amazing step and they chose to choose the easier left rather than the harder right. One of our investigators asked us " why do hard things have to come right before we take our next step. " my first thought to myself was "well that's just life" but then I realized yuh know what, no. We are being tested! I thought back to the good old days when my biggest worry in life was defeating bowser and saving princess peach on my gameboy. I also remembered how right as you're about to go to the next level you have to make your way through the castle avoiding all the little obstacles  (i.e. the Venus fly trap monster things, the ghosts and all the fireballs) and in the end you face bowser! The closer we get to going onto the next level the harder it gets. The more correct path Mario takes the harder it gets. Sometimes you die and have to go through the castle multiple times..but it gives you experience so that next time you know what you can do better.! It can be frustrating and super crazy annoying..sometimes we even set the game down and give up..but we always pick it back up! Eventually you beat bowser and you move onto the next level. Never did I ever imagine myself using Mario to describe my thoughts..I guess playing video games do help you out in the end after all ;)  Anyhoo, It's a test!!. Are we really ready to move on? Do we really trust our Heavenly Father in this mortal journey to get us through hard times? Do we really understand that He only tests us to make us give us experience?
Mosiah 23:21-23
21 Nevertheless the Lord seeth fit to chasten his people; yea, he trieth their patience and their faith.
22 Nevertheless--whosoever putteth his trust in him the same shall be lifted up at the last day. Yea, and thus it was with this people.
23 For behold, I will show unto you that they were brought into bondage, and none could deliver them but the Lord their God
 I've been learning a lot about agency..and how hard it can be as a missionary to watch someone use their agency. Although, I am learning to find peace in it..because I know that we did all we could for the people here in Morristown. As much as it pains my soul when someone gives up the good fight I know we did our part to try and help them. I think agency is quite a beautiful thing..we were watching the restoration video and how Joseph smith was tarred and feathered but he still chose JOY. He sacrificed more than we know just to do the will of God. He went through things I can't even imagine and yet he still chose to keep pushing forward, to smile and to love!!!  CHOOSE HAPPINESS!! .we can choose to be happy..we know our Heavenly Father loves us. We know we are not alone in this journey. The atonement is absolutely beautiful. The gospels is just WONDERFUL. Are we choosing to be happy even when times are hard? Do we know that God can help us overcome everything? Do you know he's by your side?
I can testify as a representative of Jesus Christ that He is by our sides. He never leaves. He is patient and loving. Never do we need to feel hopeless or alone. I love this gospel and the joy it's brought into my life. I'm grateful for our prophet today. I know he is prophet chosen by God!! I love you all!
Have a great week!
Lots of pictures this week.
+ exchanges in Newton with sister Charles! (We got an investigator by
asking him to take this picture!)
+ dinner with Edgar from Guatemala
+ my favorite family from El Salvador
+ making s'mores over our stove right before transfer calls
+ Polaroids with Josúe
+ listening to transfer calls. :(

patear el trasero de satanás 6.6.2016

This week was one of the most unexpected weeks of my mission. Filled with numerous amounts of pure joy and sadness.  #missionarylife #thebest I don't even know where to begin. my companion and I have dedicated our WHOLE souls into getting things done here in Morristown and the way Heavenly Father needs it to be..and we are only successful because of Him.
I have officially waged my all out war against Satan. I have laid all my weapons down against God. I can't even begin to tell you how much I am not going to let Satan win.
It's actually REALLY weird to think I am almost done training my "baby" in the mission. Our goal for these past two transfers was to talk to EVERYONE and to LOVE them. Weird right? To love a random person on the street and LOVE them..well, it was very hard at first actually..BUT now I just want to give everyone I meet my whole soul. I want them to know how AMAZING this gospel is!!!! I want them to find peace when they meet their maker. I've never been so driven in my life. But as usual..where there is more righteousness there is more opposition..
This week just made me think of my dad and we'd always talk about when we are about to take a big step in our lives..Satan attacks. After an amazing baptismal interview with our investigator..things only went down hill. Satan attacked with full force. Our investigator got a call that his family was going to be murdered. His uncles told him they wouldn't accept him as a member of their family if he joined the church and later that week his brother committed suicide. He finally came to the conclusion that if he was going to be baptized his life was only going to get harder. He began to lie and to drink again. Which tore my little heart into a million pieces. It's weird being a missionary sometimes..the love you have for people is so real. You'd do anything for them. It gives you the smallest glimpse of what Heavenly Father must feel for us.
After trying to hold in my emotions from the week I found myself in a puddle of tears. My heart hurt and sank deep into my chest. But as I was crying the words of this song came to my mind " When I am down and all my soul so weary When troubles come and my heart burdened be Then I am still and wait here in the silence..until you come and sit a while with me. You raise me up so I can stand on mountains. You raise me up to walk on stormy seas. I am strong when I am on your shoulders. You raise me up to more than I can be    " Heavenly Father comforted me..telling me I had done my part! That he had a plan and his plan will ALWAYS WIN. I have officially waged my all out war against Satan. He will never get me down. Even if I do I am always going to remember that 
And that I always need to do my part..even if it's hard and painful. So what did we do?? we put sticky notes all over our home and our car motivating us to kick Satan in the butt!! He will never win!! It's actually pretty pathetic to think of his power..because God is soooo much more powerful!! My companion told me that if we could see Satan we'd be like " really?? This is the thing that caused the earth to shake and crumble and caused so many to fall?? Always remember that God is all powerful! That he is our strength!!
On the flip side of all this.. After running into an old investigator and teaching him it began to rain BUCKETS and BUCKETS. If you know me I was in straight heaven!! We walked all the way back to our car and not a spot on us was dry. We were DRENCHED. Best day of my life! God is good!! We also have a baptism coming up next week! One day we were bored of knocking doors so we decided to go into a laundry mat and pretend we were waiting for our clothes and talked to a guy about how much Jesus loved him..AND NOW HES GETTING BAPTIZED!!  We are so excited. We are so happy to see the change in countenance. He is already sharing the gospel with SOOO many people. God is gooooood!!
I love our Heavenly Father so much!! God is real. I ever so testify of Gods MIRACLES. He KNOWS. ITS LITERALLY THAT SIMPLE. He loves us!! He puts people in our paths for a reason. I know that we are here to learn to BECOME like our savior. I've never known this feeling in my life and will probably never be able to explain the joy that comes with it. " we must remember that those mortals we meet in the parking lots, offices, elevators and elsewhere are that portion of mankind God has given us to love and to serve" - President Spencer W. I have a strong testimony that while the road ahead of us may not be free of challenges, it will be a happy one, as long as we trust in Heavenly Father and continue to try to live as we know we should.
When life’s perils thick confound you,
Put his arms unfailing round you.
God be with you till we meet again.
Keep love’s banner floating o’er you.
I love you all! Have a great week!!